Δευτέρα 14 Οκτωβρίου 2013

Small (by AnG3L - old blog)

I will put you through a test....
I will try to remind you of reality.
Yes maybe I am an expert in reality... or not.
Just close your eyes for a second.
Take a very deep sad breath. Yes, a breath full of sadness.
Cause when you enter reality you must be real isnt it?
Now try to bring in your mind a beautiful landscape.
Totally ripped off by humans...
A beautiful relationship between two young lovers.
Divorced with 2 children....
A good friend and a nice moment.
A bunch of lies and personal interest...

Now open your eyes. Try to feel the air on your face, touching with innocence and purity.
Full with toxic fumes from an oil spill....

Isnt reality such a wonderful moment?
Such a unique experience?
Words cant describe the beauty of it....

Do you know the other name for reality?
Oh let me tell you....

This is the reality for humans.

We are angels that they dont belong in any reality.
We are angels that breath the air of truth.
In a place where Ego is dead.
In a place where Love lives.
How Small this reality is for us to live inside...


Prayer (by AnG3L - old blog)

I pray to you Father.
I pray to you to hear my prayer.
To understand me for a moment.
To hear what I want to say.
You choose for me to have no mother. No love.
You choose for me to taste the bitterness of this life.
You gave me the sun, but I live amongst the shadows.
You tested me too much. Now I live with my fears.
Agony within the darkness of the unknown.
Tears form an ocean of despair.
Nightmares haunt me at night.
Humans surround me with their selfish blindness at the dawn.
I am asking you only one thing.
I want to live near the sun, the stars, the nature. Your creation. My paradise. Alone.
I am sick Father.
I am sick of everything. The fake. The nothingness. The emptiness.
Words coming out from them. Words that make no sense, full of hate and ego.
Its been so many years, so many prayers.

I pray to you Father.
I pray to you to hear my prayer.

Accepting the fate (from my old blog)

Is really, really difficult
for us, the few people on this earth,
that I like to call angels,
to accept their fate, their destiny.
We would like to express our selves,
to talk, to whisper words of wisdom to human's ears.

We have to understand and accept,
that many will hear us,
less will understand, even less will believe,
but only a handful of humans will follow.

And we only ask them to follow us,
in a dreamy world where no pain exists,
where the truth lives and breaths.

We will never be loved in this world,
cause we simply know what true love is
and we accept no less...
but yet we give more...
that YOU can handle.

It hurts us, so deeply... so hard
cause we dont understand why dont you see or feel...

It hurts us, cause we are afraid to say the word LOVE
It hurts us, cause we cant HUG you
It hurts us, cause we cant HOLD you by your hand....

cause we will feel the fake again, the lies, the nothingness....

So we got to accept the fate. For the sake of the few, remaining ones....

God bless the chosen ones. Indigo Prosperous Aenaous.

Στίχοι από Χαλίλ Γκιμπράν

-Ήρθα να ζήσω στην δόξα της αγάπης
και το φώς της ομορφιάς που είναι ο ίδιος ο Θεός.
Είμαι εδώ, ζώ κι από το βασίλειο της ζωής κανένας δε
μπορεί να με εξορίσει, γιατί μέσα από τα λόγια μου θα ζώ στο θανατό μου.

-Αν κάποτε κάποιος δεν σε δεχθεί στο ναό της δυστηχίας του,
τότε δεν θα σε δεχθεί ούτε στο ναό της αγάπης του.

-Ο οίκτος ταιριάζει στους αδύνατους.

-Μήπως είμαι ένας τρελλός που είναι ευχαριστημένος να μένει μόνος
κι από τα φαντάσματα της μοναξιάς του, να πλάθει μια σύντροφο και
μια σύζηγο για την ψυχή του.

-Ο άνθρωπος είναι σαν τον αφρό της θάλλασας που επιπλέει στην
επιφάνεια του νερού. Οταν φυσάει ο άνεμος, εξαφανίζεται, σαν ποτέ
να μην υπήρχε.
Έτσι κι ο θάνατος σβήνει τις ζωές μας.

Nowadays (from my old blog)

Do I have to explain how is our world nowadays?
I don't have to. Its very obvious. It hurts my soul.
The lack of the presence of God in people lives caused the chaos.
And why? Because if they don't know what LOVE is, then they will
probably (due to selfishness) pretend that they do know how and then
they are going to steal, lie, hurt people with their actions and so many other
things. And all of that, cause God can't live inside a selfish person! Then
probably that person is gonna tell God, "hey! You know? This is MY heart, go
away!!" Just like that!

A selfish person never cares about anyone else except himself! So therefore, his
going to do actions only about him and not to help other people! And the worst part
is that they don't feel appreciation for anything, cause they can't accept that
someone else helped them or advised them because they consider that they know
everything and some even thing that they are smarter than God!! Omg stupid little

They are so blind that they can even fell into a hole just to prove others that there isn't
a hole! You might go to a place where one of them is there. And you are going to start a
conversation about yesterdays match. You are going to describe a goal and how good was it.
Everyone is going to agree with you, but you are going to hear a voice from back there
denying all of your friends and trying to show that his smarter than all the other people
by saying "NO that wasn't a nice goal, the ball accidentally hit the players leg and then
the other players head!" And he will try to show to you how smarter he is from everyone,
showing at the same time his endless stupidity!!!

These people also abuse their children just to hide their low self esteem and to prove
their superiority over someone weaker and unprotected! They do the same thing
to their wives etc.
Eventually when they realize that they are just nothing and they have no
personality, they eventually become alcoholics, gamblers etc.

When we deny the existence of God, is like we deny the existence of Life. Is we like we
are dead or that we don't need someone to be stronger and smarter than we do.
And all of this comes from our fears. Cause we afraid to meet the Light, the Life, the Love.
We learned to hide behind our insecurities and actions cause we have a problem with our
consciousness. And because He is Consciousness we are afraid to be judged for our actions!

God is not some kind of punisher! He is Love! He wants us to feel His Love.
But we don't allow His Love to come to us. Cause we feel fear. And fear is a blockage
for love.

We don't know what is best for us and at the same time we can't accept God's help to our lives!
We think that He is going to take some wrong decisions about our lives! How stupid can we be?
The Creator of this Magical World is smarter than us just because we can't even create a flower!

Let you self and life to His hands and He will not let you down. Just love Him as He does.
Love one another cause in your friends face you see God and at Gods face you see your friend.

Share your food with a homeless even if I you don't have more left and you will see that you wont get hungry.

Give money to someone that needs them even if its the last and you will wont go broke.

Give LOVE and expect nothing in return. Just give and enjoy the smile of your friend
or stranger. This is what we get in return.

Lets create a better world for us.
Lets love every moment of our lives and use it to help others.
Lets appreciate God and His Glory!
Lets hold our hands together and move towards to the New World.
A world full of LOVE and HARMONY!


Indigo Pride (from my old blog)

Its been a long time to write my thoughts in this little blog.
And I am pretty sure that only few people are going to read this....

These days, loneliness is getting stronger for us, the indigo... You know X-mas is near, humans
are gathering to celebrate, showing their "love" with presents, wishes etc. As we know, those actions of "love" from humans are also fake as all the rest. Because they simply don't know what love and respect is. And why? Because they don't know! Simple as that. Example. I 've seen "Christian" families with one son or daughter and guess what! Especially these days, they buy unbelievable amounts of presents (clothes, toys, chocolates that at the end become food for the dogs etc) for them.... and only for them.

Because I couldn't stand that irony , I went and talked to them. I said "If you want to call yourself "Christians" or at least humans, take your boy or girl, buy some presents but not for them and go to an orphanage and teach your kid to GIVE to these children and no to TAKE only. You know what they did? Nothing.... And the result. Selfish children, that they don't appreciate, they don't respect and even if you ask them for a broken toy they will deny you that and also with no good attitude. These are the human "seeds" as I like to call them.

I would like to share with you a little incident I had lately. I met one of these children the other day and he was holding 11 small balls that someone gave him. And I said to him. That's nice my little friend, are you going to share those with your friends? (How stupid I am to ask such a question) And you know what he replied? No, this is for my dog, this is for my other dog and the rest for me.....
I will not comment on that cause its not his fault only, but the most "weight" goes at his "Christian" parents, who are fastening, they go to church and they pretend that they are good people. Bullshit! You know what Jesus said when he met the Pharisees ?
"But woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you shut up the kingdom of heaven against men; for you neither go in yourselves, nor do you allow those who are entering to go in."


That's why we feel that inner pride. Because we know what love and respect is. We know what we have to do and when. We know how to share our last piece of bread with someone as Jesus said, we know that if we have 2 we must give the one no matter what that is.
We feel that pride but we are humble. We are humble simply because our superiority over mankind its just a light into the darkness that other must follow.

And we feel lonely because we are. Even when we are surrounded by millions of humans, and even when we participate (with our body only) to their celebrations, we feel more lonely.
Not because we are only different but because our thoughts, our minds, our hearts, what we believe are. And the worst? We cant share our thoughts with anyone, we cant talk as we would like and express our selves. We just stare at the skies, at the stars, waiting to go back home, where the Truth lives for ever and ever. Where Love lives. Where are home is....

The pride of the Indigo Race, is like a boiling "ready to explode" volcano. Cause we had enough of all these lies and fake. We had enough of all those "smart", "intelligent" human beings that they thing they know everything when they know... NOTHING!!!!

Not all of them are like these but... the most are. Cause it cant be a coincidence, that for 13 years that I am teaching and searching among all these people, I found only one!! (indigo are excepted)

We love our loneliness cause its that which makes us unique and special. Even if it hurts sometimes it reminds us of our superiority, the pride and the knowledge that we carried in this world.

The only thing we can do, is to concentrate our thoughts on all the other indigo (even if they are few) in this world and remind of our selves that you are not alone....

I want to wish to my Indigo friends the best. Strength, patience, courage, health and prosperity. And one advise that comes from Jesus. If you talk or teach or guide, after the first and second time, if they don't listen, don't waste your time, just go away.

Merry Christmas to all of you my angels and may the warmth of the love of the newborn Jesus brings happiness into your hearts!

"Indigo Prosperous Aenaous"